Don't give energy to negativity. A motto

Don't give energy to negativity

Ethics for thought and behaviour

  • Is it constructive or productive? are we building, growing mutually and consensually
  • Are we learning? is history repeating?
  • Is it personal? get on with your own business
  • Space and Time Perspectives: get their own sections below
  • The lowest common denominator may not be the place to aim for - look for the win-win, the elegant design
  • The root cause of suffering is attachment. Except family and friends
  • Compassion and empathy. Consideration. Mindfulness
  • Culture and beliefs won't be changed with rational arguments
  • A dignified, respectful example can be welcomed
  • Lead by example. When you need to lead, lead
  • Successful people have routines that reinforce their success. Do good, be good
  • Ultimately, we are animals. Social animals. Homo Sapiens. 233k years old
  • Evolutionary psychology and evolutionary biology. Evolutionary everything
  • Equality, eco-feminism. Stereotypes and "we're all individuals"
  • Survival of the fittest
  • Pragmatism - no perfect -ism or -ology for all time
  • Change usually happens in very small steps. Change always happens
  • Leave no-one behind, clever monkeys
  • Population dynamics. Bell curves. Proportionate action
  • Not taking the essentials for granted. Environment, Health, Education
  • Clean up while it's fresh. Plan to minimise mess
  • We didn't come down from the trees with iPhones. Things have to be learned, including ways of thinking eg democracy, equality
Don't give energy to negativity
An ironic motto

Space and Time Perspective


Become aware of your environment: the room, the building, the block, suburb, city, state, country, hemisphere, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe
Reassess priorities and behaviours


Recognising our tools. Not just phones, networks, clean drinking water on tap and hot showers in clean drinking water, but also explicitly defined ways of thinking and organising, such as democracy.
What would your grandmother have for dinner when she was your age? What would your 100th-grandmother have for dinner? Where would it come from and how would it be prepared? What are the foundations of your entitlement?
Recognise our conveniences. How to play and have fun with no internet through different ages?

Alone on a mountain top
Is nirvana achievable without a non-nirvanic support crew?
Keep your options open
Stick to the plan
Manners are free
Give unconditionally

Are emotions change management?

Don't give energy to negativity. A motto.
